Day 28: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Originally posted 2017-07-24 11:57:08.


Well!  It’s countdown Day-28.  I’m excited about the word in my heart this morning.  It’s “Expectation.”  But, first I’d like to ask.  “Do you live in a perpetual state of expectation?  Or do you simply say the words to an old song?  “Que! Sera, sera!  Whatever will be; will be.  The future’s not ours to see.  Que! Sera, sera!”

Yes, it’s true; we don’t know what the future on this earth will bring.  Yet, in my humble opinion; that phrase is a direct contradiction of expectation.  If we don’t expect; and we hold to the thought of, “Whatever, will be, will be; what’s the use of praying.  That phrase totally goes against “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Matthew‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭KJV)

Also; embracing; “Whatever will be, will be;” opens the door to impeding creativity.   That’s because; creativity is often borne out of pressing through uncomfortable places.  But when “whatever” is the reigning stance; most people don’t push themselves.  Do you agree?

Let’s change the subject.

Our Jurisdictional Holy Convocation Official Day was at 4:00 pm yesterday, at Bailey’s Cathedral.  All I can say is, “Wow!”  Our leader preached on, “Like Fire Shut Up In My Bones.”  The text of emphasis was, “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.”  (Jeremiah‬ ‭20:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬)  

People were praising all over the building.  Many of us praised the Lord with our hands, mouth; and with the dance.  As tears flowed; the Lord started shining memories on me.

Sweet memories danced across my mind.

As I lifted my hands; flashbacks of when I was a youth came to my mind.   I thought, “When my sister Angie and I came to the Cathedral as teenagers; I never imagined I’d be here as an adult; saved; sanctified; Holy Ghost filled; and a licensed evangelist.”   Then I thought about when my children were young; and our church was temporarily housed in Bailey’s Cathedral!  We experienced so many precious moments at the Cathedral.  Wonderful times of building bonds!

Then I remembered preaching my first 11:30 am Sunday morning service right there at Bailey’s Cathedral.  It was entitled, “The Word Is Out, That You’re In A Wealthy Place.”  Who would’ve thought?  A shy, single mother of three; used by God.  That let’s me know how great a promise keeper our merciful God is.

Years ago, I sat and watched a live stage play at the University of Detroit Mercy for an undergrad class.  It was a one man play.  The title escapes my mind.  But it was a silent play.  The man didn’t talk the entire hour and a half.  But his actions, spoke volumes.  My assignment was to write a critique on what I observed in the play.  I sat there writing and writing.  It was such a wonderful experience.

Before the play started; a choir sang, “Lord, I’ll go where you want me to go.  Lord I’ll do what you want me to do.  Lord, I’ll be who you want me to be.  Lord I’ll say what you want me to say.”   I remember singing those words along with the choir.  Wow!  Memories are bursting forth.

That very day; while sitting in that dark college theater; I heard the Lord tell me; He was going to use me.  At the time; I didn’t know in what capacity; so I didn’t think about it much.  But today; I see how God let me tap into creativity by watching that silent one actor play.  And, He kept the promise He made me.  It’s such a blessing for God to use you.

Let’s get back to “Expectation.”

Today, I expect great things from God.  Do you?  What are you expecting from God?  Do you expect Him to work a miracle in your finances?  Perhaps you expect Him to give you wisdom and understanding.  Just maybe you expect Him to heal your body.  Do you expect him to fix your broken relationships; and save your children.   Do you expect to buy a house that will hold the black baby grand piano; so you can play Fuer Elise?  Or, do you expect God to help you find the resources to launch the ministry assignment He’s given you?  What do you expect from God?  Please don’t just say, “WHATEVER!”

I’m so glad Ki suggested I take these days to peel back layers and tap into my feelings.  This journey of discovery has broadened my perspective.  I can think about my daughter, Mika and smile today.  Praise God!   My heart is full from experiencing God’s personal promises; and from walking in the call on my life.  I’m looking forward to countdown Day-27.

My friends, thank you for joining me today.  The question remains:  “How do you remember God’s personal promises to you?”  We’ll talk soon.

