How Do You Handle Unsolicited Advice?

Hi! Why do people offer advice in matters where they have no experience?  What gives people the audacity to dish out unsolicited solutions to issues out of their league?  Who has the right to give your grief an end date; when they have no clue of the pain you're in?  That really baffles me.  Let's… Continue reading How Do You Handle Unsolicited Advice?

Day 29: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well, it is countdown Day-29.  It has been a marvelous couple of days.   When I woke up yesterday morning; a Scripture came on my mind.  I heard, "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I… Continue reading Day 29: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Day 30: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well!  It's Day-30 of the countdown.  Optimism and new are the words I woke up with this morning.  That's great; because today, just before noon; a spirit of frustration came upon me.  Then the words, "Rochelle don't forget; this is a day of optimism," dropped into my spirit. That's why you have to stay… Continue reading Day 30: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Day 31: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well, it's Day-31 of the countdown. Peeling back layers is not as tough as it was on Day-40.  But, it's still a stretch.  Have you ever discovered things in you that were holding you back?  How did it feel?  Were you taken aback?  Did you cringe at the thought of your having ways you… Continue reading Day 31: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Day 32: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well countdown Day-32 is here.  When this journey began, we discovered promises being manifested.  That's wonderful.  Yet, are we so intent on finding promises until we're missing something.  Perhaps you are living in a major promise today; but, you haven't realized it? Think about it.  God's Word says, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask… Continue reading Day 32: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Day 33: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Hi! Well, it's Day-33 of the countdown.  At the risk of sounding wishy-washy; I woke up a little undecided today.  I was not sure if I should look in my journals for God's personal promises; or just read my Bible to see what promises personally jumped out at me.  Then the thought came, "What about… Continue reading Day 33: How Do You Remember God’s Personal Promises?

Whose Opinion is the Bully Influencing Your Delay?

Hi! Perhaps you are saying, “This post doesn’t apply to me!  No one bullies me!  Children get bullied!  I am too old to allow anyone to bully me!  Scary people get bullied!  Big, bad me will never get bullied!”  But, are you sure about that? Consider the following thoughts: They will say,  “Who do you… Continue reading Whose Opinion is the Bully Influencing Your Delay?

Do You Know How To Make Great Life-Changing Choices?

Hi! There has been times when many of us would immediately say, “No,” to this post’s topic.  Especially when we look back and reflect upon the many mistakes we think we have made.  Remembering previous mistakes often causes us to lose confidence in our decision making. Why do I use the word, ‘think’ in referring… Continue reading Do You Know How To Make Great Life-Changing Choices?

Do You Need To Ignore Opinions of Clueless People?

Hi! I know you’re shouting, “Yes!” But, is that entirely the case.  I personally think, “Yes and No,” are answers worth considering. Some people offer their opinions about you that are laced with insults.  But, you should never own rude expressions people hurl at you.  In order to do this, you have to first know… Continue reading Do You Need To Ignore Opinions of Clueless People?

Will A Mother Ever Overcome Pain of Losing Her Only Daughter?

Hi! Five years ago, the morning of June 3, 2014, I woke up with fleeting hope.  My son-in-law had dropped my 3 year old grandson off, and went to work.  That was our new routine. I took my grandson to pre-school and drove to Providence Park Hospital to see my daughter, Tamika.  As I walked… Continue reading Will A Mother Ever Overcome Pain of Losing Her Only Daughter?