Do You See Opportunities Wrapped in the Obstacles You Face?

Originally posted 2021-01-11 18:16:04.


How many ways do obstacles enter into the average person’s life? Some hit abruptly. Others manage to worm their way into our spaces before we recognize they are there. Yet, other obstacles are noticeable when they are far off. Our view of them become clearer as they get closer. Whatever ways obstacles come, we need a positive attitude, so that we will see beyond their immediacy. Why?

The culprit is called, “Negativity!”

Negativity is a major force that exudes from obstacles and bombards our thoughts. Many people have difficulty avoiding  the hindering aspects attached to obstacles. Most people dwell on problems, rather than looking at the solutions perched within the difficulty. That is why we must push to discover opportunities wrapped in the obstacles we face.

But how?

I have been listening to a certain Gospel song repeatedly for the past few weeks. It is entitled, “My Everything” by Bri Babineaux. This song really blesses me. The hook says, “If I lost everything, and didn’t have anything, and you were the only thing, I’d still have everything.”

One day a question came to mind. “Why do I keep listening to this song?” I wondered if it is the music, the singing or the unique beat. I wondered if the song reminds me of an ex more than it makes me think of the goodness of God. Then I realized that the song makes me think. There was a time when I felt as though my losses outweighed what I had. But, I had to see past losses.

The ten month pandemic we have been in has caused me to realize how much I miss my mom, dad, brothers Marvin and Bobby, sister Angie and my only daughter Tamika. Being the one left to live without them hurts at times. I miss them so, so very much. But, having two wonderful, caring sons, two adorable, inquisitive grandsons, and anticipating my third grandson’s arrival in a few months, bring glee to my heart. I appreciate God for them, for family members, for friends who are family and for my BFF.  Yet, I miss my mom, daughter and sister immensely.

The song, “My Everything” turns the table of loss by magnifying God being enough. I love it. Sometimes my sons, family, other loved ones and friends are busy. That is great. Because, feeling like you are on an island by yourself gives you time for a one-on-one with God. I relish on the thought of God as my everything; and He is just that. My everything!

Can you look past obstacles you face and see God as your everything? I dare say,“Yes! Especially when you love God.” But, I guess you are saying, “It depends upon the obstacle!” If so, you do have a point. Especially, because, some obstacles are more intense than others. Think about it.

The team leader on your job may give you unwarranted negative performance reviews. This has caused repeated denials of your applications for promotions or lateral moves within the corporation.

Do you see the opportunity wrapped in the obstacle?

There are many. You can pray for that progress blocker! Do a self-evaluation to see areas where you need to improve! Reflect upon your strengths! Most importantly, believe God’s Word where it says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” Proverbs‬ ‭21:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

There are many opportunities wrapped within obstacles!

Perhaps the financial debacle the United States have been in for the past ten months have reached your wallet. Your savings account may be dwindling. Your IRA’s may be gone, and your bills are starting to pile up. Perhaps you overextended yourself in credit card debt, which caused  your credit score to drop to the low 500’s. Maybe your low credit score is causing the denial of the mortgage or rent applications you have completed. Obstacles! Yet, there are still opportunities.

Now is the time to believe God and get to know him as, “Jehovah Jireh,” your provider. (cf. Genesis 22:14) Now is the time to draw closer to God in prayer and listen to His instructions. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

More obstacles and opportunities!!

Maybe you have been blackballed in your career because of your radical beliefs. Perhaps you serve in ministry with a team where a couple of them dislike you. They oppose every idea you suggest. You love to  serve; but, it is difficult to converse with people filled with malice towards you. Obstacles!

Those adversarial encounters push you to think about personal assignments God has given you. They drive you to spend more time on your knees asking God if you are in his divine Will. They cause you to ask God what he wants you to do, and you do it. They shove you to step out and finish that degree, file those corporation papers for your business ideas, open that business account, write that business plan and develop the launch schedule. After all, what you have put off are all driven by your desire to help God’s people. So do it.

Even with obstacles, hope must be maintained. Hope is your gateway to seeing opportunities in the midst of obstacles and stepping out on faith. So look at the blocks intended to make you stumble as agents that sharpen your discernment.

What? How?

Realize obstacles come with reinforcements. Yes! Self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of health problems, fear of disappointment, and fear that certain people will not approve of your projects may bombard your mind. But, these modes of thinking are obstacles’ helpers, and the chief driver is fear. Fear accelerates procrastinating and quitting. Fear’s aim is to convince you to give up on life and God.

But, my friend, please realize that obstacles only succeed in impeding your progress when you lack faith. To see past obstacles’ blinders, it takes you trusting in God no matter how low you go. Think about it. If you reach rock bottom, there are two alternatives. You can either give up totally or surrender your all to God.

I choose the latter.

When you cast all your cares unto God, you will see past the fog generated by obstacles. You will learn how to drive through the gloominess of uncertainty until you see sunshine. You press, even when it seems like you have been stuck too long.

If you become weary from being stuck in a continuous loop of desire, where you find yourself going in circles rather than moving forward, pause. But, do not quit. Spend time praying and reading the Word of God. Meditate on the Word. Revisit and write the vision that God gave you yesterday, last week, last month, last year, or years ago. Rewrite where you saw yourself today, and write where you see yourself tomorrow. Remember every today was tomorrow, and every yesterday was today. There are more todays for you to experience, more opportunities for you to encounter. There are more bright sides of the hurdles you face.

My friend, take the leap.  Expand your vision. Broaden your horizons. Stretch your thoughts of who God is. Surrender your life to the great, all-knowing, all-powerful God of Heaven, who reigns in Heaven and in the entire universe. See the plethora of opportunities wrapped in all obstacles you face. I heard my pastor say, “If you don’t see it before you see it, you never will see it!” MY FRUEND, SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES! 

Thank you for spending time with us today. I’ll speak with you next week. Remember the question is, “Do you see opportunities wrapped in the obstacles you face?”


Rochelle 🌹